Well on Wednesday AM I'm off to start a much awaited journey of over 200 miles. The John Muir Trail solo. Sounds crazy but its been a year of planning and I didnt start out alone but thats how it worked out. I do have a friend meeting me to do 4-5 days and Jonathan is meeting me at Eddison Lake and again at Woods Creek Crossing with a friend. I broke down and rented a SPOT so that my family wouldnt totally freak out about he lack of communication and anyone can see where I am at any time by going to http://share.findmespot.com/shared/faces/viewspots.jsp?glId=0jUzEY4GRKkYbtxX8tTDzUF4csXO2Yuqd
If the link doesnt work by clicking on it just copy and paste it into your browser. I will have it turned on begining 8/17/11. Right now all you see is all my tests. It seems to work great even where I live which is surrounded by pine trees. managed to complete 2 half marathons and several hundred miles of walking and hiking to prep for this. Cant wait to hit the trail! Wish me luck. Mariell